Command Reference Guide

Create a set of copies for the volumes in set vvcopyset, keeping snapshots around for quick
cli% createvvcopy -s -p set:vvcopyset set:copys
Child Parent Status TaskID
s1 foo started 14
s2 bar started 15
s3 baz queued 16
Resynchronize the volumes in the volume set copies:
createvvcopy -r set:copies
Child Parent Status TaskID
s1 started 17
s2 started 18
s3 queued 19
Create a set of copies for the volumes in set vvcopyset, mapping the parent volumes to destination
volumes with a pattern:
cli% createvvcopy -p set:vvcopyset @vvname@-copy
Child Parent Status TaskID
foo-copy foo started 20
bar-copy bar started 21
baz-copy baz queued 22
Create an online copy of vv1 that is named vv2 which is fully-provisioned, using cpg1 as its user
space and cpg2 as its snapshot space:
cli% createvvcopy -p vv1 -online -snp_cpg cpg2 cpg1 vv2
The createvvcopy command can be issued multiple times. However, the HP 3PAR Storage
System allows only two active physical copy tasks to run concurrently. Any additional physical
copy tasks are queued, pending the completion of the active physical copy tasks.
Multiple physical copy operations can occur simultaneously. Host-initiated I/O operations and
those operations initiated by issuing the createvvcopy command are executed at the same
priority level. As a result, noticeable performance degradation from a host perspective can
be observed.
Issuing the createvvcopy command results in the creation of a temporary snapshot and, in
the case of r, a resynchronization (resync) snapshot.
The temporary and resynchronization snapshots cannot be deleted while the copy is in progress.
Upon completion of the copy, the temporary snapshot is automatically deleted if the s option
is not specified.
If the resynchronization snapshot is saved, it can later be manually deleted. If the
resynchronization snapshot is deleted, later resynchronization is not possible.
If the s option is not specified, the relationship between the destination volume and source
volume is not retained.
Issue the showvv command to verify that a virtual volume copy has been made.
Issue the showvv d command to display the number of blocks remaining to be copied.
160 Create Commands