Command Reference Guide

The following example displays policy information about all system LDs:
cli% showld -p
Id Name Keep_Preserved Growth_Blocked Dev_Type RPM
0 log0.0 0 0 FC 10
1 log1.0 0 0 FC 10
2 pdsld0.0 0 0 FC 10
3 pdsld0.1 0 0 FC 10
4 pdsld0.2 0 0 FC 10
5 admin.usr.0 1 0 FC 10
6 admin.usr.1 1 0 FC 10
7 admin.usr.2 1 0 FC 10
8 admin.usr.3 1 0 FC 10
9 tp-0-sa-0.0 1 0 FC 10
10 tp-0-sa-0.1 1 0 FC 10
11 tp-0-sa-0.2 1 0 FC 10
14 tp-0-sa-0.4 1 0 FC 10
15 v1.0.usr.0 1 0 FC 10
16 v1.1.usr.0 1 0 FC 10
17 tp-0-sd-0.1 1 1 FC 10
18 tp-0-sd-0.0 1 0 FC 10
The columns in the previous example are identified as follows:
Id. The logical disk ID.
Name. The logical disk name.
Keep_Preserved. Indicates if preserved data is saved for the logical disk. Valid values are
1 (saved) and 0 (not saved).
Growth_Blocked. Indicates that the LD is blocked from growing. This is used when tuning
TPVV and snap space to the same CPG to stop the LD increasing in size during the tune.
Dev_Type.Device type for the physical disk (FC for Fibre Channel or NL for nearline or SSD
for solid state drive). If no device type is specified, the default is Fibre Channel drives. If a
system has only nearline drives, -p -devtype NL must be specified when creating the
RPM. Drive relative performance metric. The number does not represent a rotational speed for
the drives without spinning media (SSD). It is meant as a rough estimation of the performance
difference between the drive and the other drives in the system. For FC and NL drives, the
number corresponds to both a performance measure and actual rotational speed. For SSD
drives, the number is to be treated as a relative performance benchmark that takes into account
I/O's per second, bandwidth and access time.
The following example displays detailed states of each LD:
cli% showld -state
Id Name -State- -Detailed_State-
0 log0.0 normal normal
1 pdsld0.0 normal normal
2 pdsld0.1 normal normal
3 pdsld0.2 normal normal
4 admin.usr.0 normal normal
5 vvfromcpg2.usr.0 normal normal
6 vvfromcpg2.usr.1 normal normal
7 Temple.usr.0 normal normal
398 Show Commands