Command Reference Guide

2 test.2 sun 210000E08B023C71 1:5:1 host
3 test.3 sun 210000E08B023C71 1:5:1 host
VLUN Templates
Lun VVname Host ----Host_WWN---- Port Type
2 tpv.2 pe75007 ---------------- --- host
3 tpv.3 pe75007 ---------------- --- host
2 test.2 sun ---------------- --- host
3 test.3 sun ---------------- --- host
The columns in the previous examples are identified as follows:
Lun. The LUN to which the virtual volume is exported.
VVname. The name of the exported virtual volume.
Host. The name of the host to which the virtual volume is exported. In the Templates section,
the port-presents rule contains no value.
Host_WWN. The WWN of the host to which the virtual volume is exported. In the Templates
section, dashes mean this column does not apply.
Port. The port (node:slot:port) on which the host to which the virtual volume is exported
appears. In the Templates section, the host-sees rule contains dashes.
Type. The type of export rule that is applied when the virtual volume is exported. Possible
entries are port for port-presents, host for host-sees, hostset for host-set VLUNs,
matched-set for matched-set.
A Domain column may be included by using the setclienv command to set listdom to
1. The listdom option is also set to 1 if the CLI was started with the -listdom option or if
the CLI was started with the TPDLISTDOM environment variable set. Please run cli -h and
setclienv -h for details of the environment variables.
See “Glob-Style Pattern” (page 12) for more information.
showvlun 505