Command Reference Guide

Sorts command output based on the column number <col>. Columns are numbered from left to
right, beginning with 0. At least one column must be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting
<dir> can be specified as follows:
Sort in increasing order (default).
Sort in decreasing order.
Multiple columns can be specified separated by a colon (:). Rows that have the same information
in them as earlier columns will be sorted by the values in later columns.
A Domain column may be included by using the setclienv command to set listdom to 1. The
listdom option is also set to 1 if the CLI was started with the -listdom option, or if the CLI was
started with the TPDLISTDOM environment variable set.
The VV filtering option include:
-p <pattern>
Pattern for matching virtual volumes to show (see below for description of <pattern>) If the -p
option is specified multiple times, each instance of <pattern> adds additional candidate disks
that match that pattern.
A <pattern> is one or more of the following:
-cpg {<CPG_name|pattern>}...
Displays only VVs with UsrCPG or SnpCPG names that matches one or more of the
<CPG_name> or <pattern> specifier. Multiple <CPG_name> or <pattern> specifiers can
be repeated using a comma-separated list (for example -cpg
-prov {<prov|pattern>}...
Displays only VVs with prov (provisioning) values that match the <prov> or <pattern>
specifier. Multiple <prov> or <patterns> specifiers can be repeated using a
comma-separated list (for example -prov <prov>,<prov>...).
type <type|pattern>...
Displays only VVs of types that match the <type> or <pattern> specifier. Multiple <type>
or <patterns> specifiers can be repeated using a comma-separated list (for example -type
host {<host_name|pattern>}...
Displays only VVs that are exported as VLUNs to hosts with names that match one or more of
the specified <host_name> or <patterns>. See “SPECIFIERS” (page 509) for additional
information on patterns as used with this command. Multiple <host_name> or <pattern>
specifiers can be repeated using a comma-separated list (for example -host
-baseid {<baseid|pattern>}...
Displays only VVs with bsId column that matches one or more of the <baseid> or <pattern>
specifiers. Multiple <baseid> or <pattern> specifiers can be repeated using a
comma-separated list (for example -baseid <baseid>,<baseid>...).
-copyof {<vv_name|pattern>}...
Displays only VVs with CopyOf columns that match one or more of the <copyof> or
<pattern> specifiers. Multiple groups or patterns can be repeated using a comma-separated
list (for example -rcopygroup <group_name>,<group_name>...).
508 Show Commands