Command Reference Guide

Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default.
Select hourly samples for the report.
Select daily samples for the report.
-vvset <VVSet_name|pattern>[,<VVSet_name|pattern>...]
Limit the data to VVSets with names that match one or more of the specified names or glob-style
Display statistics for all other IO not regulated by a QoS rule.
-groupby <groupby>[,<groupby>...]
For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each
<groupby>must be different and one of the following:
DOM_NAME Domain name
TARGET_TYPE Type of QoS rule target, i.e. vvset
TARGET_NAME Name of QoS rule target
IOPS_LIMIT The I/O per second limit
BW_LIMIT_KBPS The KB per second bandwidth limit
The following example displays aggregate hourly performance statistics for QoS rules beginning
24 hours ago:
cli% srstatqos -hourly -btsecs -24h
For this command KB = 1000 bytes.
srstatqos 571