Command Reference Guide

If one or more chunklet statistics collection processes are running, the tunepd command exits
to prevent possible tunepd chstat on processes running simultaneously.
Use the chstat force option only when you have verified that no other tunepd processes
are running.
In the following example, PDs with average service times exceeding 50 milliseconds are identified
and their chunklets automatically relocated to rebalance the PDs’ load.
cli% tunepd vvlayout chstat movech auto avgsvct 50
Collecting I/O statistic for physical disks (PDs) ...
PdId Pos APort BPort Iops Kbps Svct(ms) IOSz(KB)
---- ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ------------
29 1:3:3 0:4:1 1:5:1* 231.9 8668.8 87.0 37.4
The following physical disks were identified as candidates
for load balancing: 29
Layout of related virtual volumes (on candidate physical disks).
VvId VvName LdId LdName Avail RAID PdId
------ ------------- ------ ----------------- ------- ------- ----
0 admin 5 admin.usr.2 cage 1
1 vv0 8 vv0.usr.2 cage 1
2 vv1 11 vv1.usr.1 mag 5 2,6,19,29
Enable statistic collection for chunklets on PD 29
Collecting statistic for chunklets of candidate PDs...
Disable statistic collection for chunklets on PD 29
Statistic of chunklets of candidate PDs:
PdId PdCh LdId LdName LdCh Iops Kbps Svct(ms) IOSz(KB)
----- ------ ------ ---------------- ------ -------- -------- -----------
29 20 8 vv0.usr.2 29 22.8 842.7 109.9 37.0
29 19 8 vv0.usr.2 17 22.0 842.7 113.7 38.2
29 18 8 vv0.usr.2 5 7.8 282.3 117.0 36.3
29 26 11 vv1.usr.1 23 42.0 1561.6 77.0 37.2
29 25 11 vv1.usr.1 19 37.8 1401.4 70.2 37.1
29 24 11 vv1.usr.1 15 39.5 1454.1 73.3 36.8
29 23 11 vv1.usr.1 11 35.3 1333.6 73.1 37.7
29 22 11 vv1.usr.1 7 26.5 1018.1 76.8 38.4
Statistic of Logical disks of candidate PDs:
PdId LdId LdName Iops Kbps Svct(ms) IOSz(KB)
------ ----- ---------------- -------- --------- ---------- ------------
29 8 vv0.usr.2 52.6 1967.8 112.5 37.4
29 11 vv1.usr.1 181.1 6768.8 74.0 37.4
Statistic of candidate physical disks:
PdId Pos APort BPort Iops Kbps Svct(ms) IOSz(KB)
----- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ------------
29 1:3:3 0:4:1 1:5:1* 233.7 8736.6 82.7 37.4
tunepd 649