Operating System Software Instruction Manual

“Link Errors Details (page 107)
Host Summary Details
Summary details are displayed in the Summary tab.
The following information is provided:
The host name.NameGeneral
The host ID.ID
The domain in which the host is located.Domain
The number of hosts it the host set.Set
The host port.Host Ports
The system port on which the host is visible.Storage System Ports
The node(s) connected to the host.Node ID(s)
The number of volumes exported from the host.Volumes Exported
The total size in GiB of exported data.Total Exported Size
The location of the host.LocationDescriptors
The host's IP address.IP Address
The operating system type.Operating System
The model of the host HBA.Model
Contact information.Contact
Any user-created notes.Comments
Viewing Host Information 103