Operating System Software Owner's manual

3. Click the Hosts tab in the Hosts screen.
4. Select the host(s) you wish to add.
5. Right-click and then click Add to Host Set in the menu that appears.
The Add to Host Set dialog box appears.
6. Select a host set from the host set list.
7. Click OK.
Editing Host Sets
To edit a host set, access the Edit Host Set wizard:
1. Click Hosts in the Manager Pane.
2. In the Management Tree, click Host Sets under the system where the host set you wish to edit
3. in the Host Sets screen, right-click the host set you wish to edit and then click Edit in the menu
that appears.
The Edit Host Set wizard appears.
1. In the General group box:
a. Name - Enter a new host set name.
b. Comments - Enter any notes.
2. Click Next, or click Finish to close the wizard and edit the host set with the information entered.
1. To assign available hosts:
a. Select one or more WWNs from the Available hosts list.
b. Click the down arrow to add the selected WWN(s) to the Assigned hosts list.
c. To remove hosts from the Assigned hosts list, select one or more hosts from the Assigned
host list and click the up arrow.
2. Click Next, or click Finish to close the wizard and edit the host set with the information entered.
Review the summary information, then click Finish.
Removing Host Sets
To remove a host set or multiple host sets:
1. Click Hosts in the Manager Pane.
2. In the Management Tree, click Host Sets under the system where the host set(s) you wish to
remove resides.
3. In the Host Sets screen, select the host set(s) you wish to remove.
4. Right-click and then click Remove in the menu that appears.
The Remove Host Set dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.
Viewing Host Sets
To view a summary of host sets:
1. In the Manager pane, click Hosts.
Editing Host Sets 103