Operating System Software Owner's manual

to 256 KiB for RAID 0 and RAID 1, and 128 KiB for RAID 5. If SSD drives are used, the step
size defaults to 32 KiB for RAID 0 and RAID 1, and 64 KiB for RAID 5. For RAID 6, the default
is a function of the set size.
11. Growth Increment* - Click the Enabled checkbox, enter the appropriate value, and click the
unit list (MiB, GiB, TiB)
12. Growth Limit* - Click the Enabled checkbox, enter the appropriate value, and click the unit
list (MiB, GiB, TiB).
13. Growth Warning* - Click the Enabled checkbox, enter the appropriate value, and click the
unit list (MiB, GiB, TiB).
14. Click Next to use the Disk Filter (if Show advanced options is enabled), or click Finish.
*Appears only if Show advanced options is selected.
Disk Filter
The Disk Filter displays the physical disks used. Pattern displays the parameters of the disks used.
To modify the list of disks used:
1. Click the Filter icon.
2. See “Filtering” (page 412) for details.
3. Click Next to view summary information, or click Finish.
Review the summary information, then click Finish.
Compacting a Common Provisioning Group
To compact a Common Provisioning Group (CPG):
1. Access the CPGs tab.
2. Right-click the CPG you wish to compact.
3. In the menu that appears, click Compact CPG.
The Compact CPG dialog box appears.
4. Select either Start now or Create Schedule.
(For information on scheduling this task, see “Schedule Compact CPG” (page 356)).
5. System - Select the system on which on the CPG resides.
6. Domain - Select the domain in which the CPG resides. Select <none> if not applicable.
7. CPG - Select one or multiple CPGs to compact.
8. (Optional) Enable the Trim only option, which removes unused logical disk space without
performing any region moves.
9. Click OK.
Removing a Common Provisioning Group
To remove a Common Provisioning Group (CPG):
1. Access the CPGs tab.
2. Right-click the CPG you wish to remove.
3. In the menu that appears, click Remove.
The Remove CPG dialog box appears.
4. Click OK.
Creating Common Provisioning Group Templates
To create a Common Provisioning Group (CPG) template:
112 Managing Common Provisioning Groups