Operating System Software Owner's manual

The following information is displayed:
The CPG name.Name
The domain to which the CPG belongs.Domain
The state of the CPG.State
The RAID type used.RAID
The total number of virtual volumes using the CPG.Total VV Count
The total number of thinly provisioned virtual volumes.TPVV Count
The total amount of user space used.User Space Usage
The total amount of copy space used.Copy Space Usage
Displaying Capacity Information
To view capacity information, select Capacity from the filtering list.
The following information is displayed:
The CPG name.Name
The domain to which the CPG belongs.Domain
The state of the CPG.State
The CPG's allocated capacity in GiB.Allocated Capacity
The amount of CPG space used in GiB.Used Capacity
The user space size in GiB.User Size
The amount of used user space in GiB.Used User Size
The copy space size in GiB.Copy Size
The amount of used copy space in GiB.Used Copy Size
The total amount of admin space in GiB.Admin Size
The total amount of used admin space in GiB.Used Admin Size
Viewing Common Provisioning Groups 121