Operating System Software Owner's manual

Layout Tab
The Layout tab displays which chunklets are used by the selected CPG.
NOTE: The Layout tab only appears if you have set your preferences in the HP 3PAR Management
Console to show the provisioning layout tab. See “Setting Global Preferences (page 414).
See also:
“Managing Data Allocation” (page 335)
Alerts Tab
The Alerts tab displays a table containing alert information for a single CPG selected from the list
pane. The information displayed is identical to the information displayed in system alerts table.
See “Viewing System Alerts (page 271) for additional information.
Viewing the Common Provisioning Group Alerts Tab
To view the Common Provisioning Group (CPG) Alerts tab:
1. Access the CPG screen.
2. In the Management Window, click the Alerts tab.
The Alerts tab displays CPG-related alerts for the system. The information displayed in the
provisioning Alerts tab is identical to the information contained in the systems Alerts tab.
The Provisioning Alerts tab displays only CPG-related alerts.
See “Viewing System Alerts (page 271).
130 Managing Common Provisioning Groups