Operating System Software Owner's manual

The following information is displayed in the Path Summary tab:
The exported Logical Unit Number (LUN) value.LUN
The name of the exported virtual volume. Each entry is a link to the Virtual Volumes tab.Virtual Volume
The name of the host to which the VLUN is exported. Each entry is a link to the Hosts
The number of host WWNs visible to the system.Host Ports
WWNs reported by the host, but not visible to the system.Inactive Ports
The number of system ports that can see the host.Storage System Ports
The total number of distinct, available paths between the host and the system.Available Paths
The number of paths seen by the system reported good by the host.Healthy Paths
The used multi-pathing method.Multipath
The failed path monitoring method.Failed Path Policy
The monitoring interval in seconds after which the host checks for failed paths.Monitoring Interval
The device name for the selected VLUN on the host.Host Device Name
Managing AO Configuration
Adaptive Optimization (AO) makes it possible to perform cost and performance optimization by
migrating busy regions to higher performance storage (e.g. RAID 1 on SSDs), and moving
infrequently accessed regions to lower performance storage (e.g. RAID 6 on NL disks).
For storage systems which support the adaptive optimization feature, an AO Configurations node
will appear in the Management Tree for both the Storage Systems and Domains tree nodes.
NOTE: An AO license is required in order to perform the actual tuning and optimization. If no
AO license is present on the array, only an analysis of potential optimization can be performed.
The AO Configuration wizard is available through the Provisioning Manager. It allows you to
create, edit, delete, start, and schedule AO configurations.
“Creating an AO Configuration (page 175)
“Editing an AO Configuration (page 177)
“Deleting AO Configurations (page 177)
“Starting an AO Configuration (page 177)
“Viewing an AO Configuration (page 177)
Creating an AO Configuration
To create an AO Configuration:
1. While in the Provisioning Manager, expand the arrow next to the name of the system on which
you wish to create the configuration.
Managing AO Configuration 175