Operating System Software Owner's manual

2. In the Management Tree, expand the name of the storage system containing the AO
configuration you wish to view.
3. In the Management Tree, click on AO configurations.
4. The AO configurations window appears with the following tabs:
“The AO Configurations Tab (page 178)
“The Tasks Tab (page 180)
“The Alerts Tab (page 179)
The AO Configurations Tab
The AO Configurations tab is divided into a list pane and a detail pane.
The list pane displays the names of all AO configurations on the selected system and related
The name of the AO Configuration.Name
The domain (if any) to which the tiered CPGs belong.Domain
The high-performance tier.Tier 0 CPG
The growth warning (in GiB) for Tier 0 CPG.Tier 0 Warning
The growth limit (in GiB) for Tier 0 CPG.Tier 0 Limit
The mid-performance tier.Tier 1CPG
The growth warning (in GiB) for Tier 1CPG.Tier 1Warning
The growth limit (in GiB) for Tier 1 CPG.Tier 1 Limit
The low-performance tier.Tier 2CPG
The growth warning (in GiB) for Tier 2 CPG.Tier 2Warning
The growth limit (in GiB) for Tier 2 CPG.Tier 2 Limit
Indicates whether the AO configuration mode is Performance, Balanced, or Cost.Mode
Indicates the number of suspended and scheduled tasks for the AO configuration.Suspended/Scheduled
178 Managing VLUNs