Operating System Software Owner's manual

The detail pane displays the following information:
The severity of the problem.SeverityGeneral
The type of alert.Type
Text message describing the reason for the alert.Message
The task ID.ID
The task state (e.g. New).State
The code related to the alert message.Message Code
The alert sequence.Sequence
The system for which the alert was generated.SystemComponent
The system's serial number.System SN
The system’s node ID).Node ID
The node component for which the alert was generated.Component
The number of times the AO configuration task has been run.Repeat CountFrequency
The last time the AO configuration task was run.Last Time
The first time the AO configuration task was run.First Time
The Tasks Tab
The AO configuration Tasks tab is divided into a list pane and a detail pane. The list pane displays
any AO-related tasks within the array. The detail pane displays details about a selected task.
The list pane displays the following information:
The task IDID
The type of task (e.g., Scheduled Task).Type
The name of the task.Name
The status of the task (e.g., Completed).Status
The user who created the task.User
The task progress, if currently running.Progress
The time the task started.Start Time
The time the task finished.Finish Time
The amount of time it took to complete the task.Duration
The task priority.Priority
The name of the AO configuration associated with the task.AO Configuration
The detail pane displays the following information:
The name of the system on which the task was started.System NameGeneral
The system's serial number.System SN
180 Managing VLUNs