Operating System Software Owner's manual

The screen is divided into a list pane and a detail pane. A blue arrow icon to the left of a volume
name in the list pane indicates the I/O endpoint on the Available Volumes screen. A green arrow
represents the I/O endpoint on the Imported Volumes screen. For information on items that are
displayed in both the list and detail panes, see “Viewing the Virtual Volumes Tab (page 155).
Admitted/Importing Volumes Screen
The Admitted Volumes screen displays the volumes that have been admitted. The Importing Volumes
screen displays the volumes that are currently in an importing state.
The screen is divided into a list pane and a detail pane. The screen is divided into a list pane and
a detail pane. On the Available Volumes screen, the I/O endpoint is indicated by a blue arrow
icon to the left of a volume name. On the Imported Volumes screen, the I/O endpoint is indicated
by a green arrow. The summary screen displays a side-by-side mapping between the source and
destination volumes. The source system must be connected to display source volume information.
Viewing Migration Data Information 259