Operating System Software Owner's manual

The port to which the path is connected.Port
The host's World-Wide Name (WWN) or iSCSI name.Host WWN/iSCSI Name
The size of the VLUN in GiB.Exported Size
Hosts Screen
The Hosts screen provides the following information for both the source and destination systems.
The name of the host.Name
The name of the systemSystem
The number of Node ID(s) associated with the host.Node ID(s)
The persona associated with the host.Persona
The number of exported volumes.Volumes Exported
The total size (in GiB) of exported volumes.Total Exported Size
Viewing Source and Destination Systems
The Source and Destination systems screens contain a “Summary Tab (page 263)and an Alerts
Tab (page 265). The summary screen provides information for both the source and destination
systems. The Alerts screen displays alerts that are associated with the specified system.
262 Using the Peer Motion Manager