Operating System Software Owner's manual

immediately or selecting a time to schedule the creation. For more information, see “The
Common Schedule Panel” (page 351).
For more information about the various interface components, see “Components of the Interface
(page 395).
Scheduling Tasks
The following scheduling actions are available:
“Schedule Create Virtual Copy” (page 354)
“Schedule Create Consistency Group Virtual Copies (page 355)
“Schedule Compact CPG” (page 356)
“Schedule AO” (page 356)
“Edit a Schedule” (page 357)
“Suspend a Schedule (page 357)
“Resume a Schedule (page 357)
“Remove a Schedule (page 358)
The Common Schedule Panel
The Common Schedule Panel offers numerous options for creating a schedule. Required and
optional parameters are entered in the Schedule group box.
The available fields are as follows:
Name The name of the schedule (required). An empty Name field will result in a validation error.
Generate alert if task fails Select this checkbox if you want to generate an alert when the scheduled
task fails.
Recurrence How often you want the schedule to run. The possible values are:
Hourly Run every hour at the specified minute. The starting minute is required. In this way
tasks can be scheduled at different times to maintain optimal system performance.
Daily Run everyday at specified hour. The default value for the hour is rounded up to the
top of the next hour.
Once Run once at the specified time and date. The default value for the time is rounded up
to the top of the next hour.
Viewing the Schedules Tab 351