Operating System Software Owner's manual

The results will appear in the Task Details pane of the Task tab under Tasks & Schedules. For details
about the Task tab, see Tasks Tab (page 333).
Tune CPGs
This task performs the same function as Tune systems, but it limits tuning to the selected CPGs. For
more information, see “Tuning the System” (page 362).
When Tune CPGs is selected, you can select specific CPGs to tune, and specify the Volume Allocation
Imbalance Threshold and Maximum Simultaneous Tasks that can be performed. As with the Tune
Systems task, you can also choose an analysis only.
To tune CPGs:
1. Select Provisioning in the Manager Pane.
2. Click Tune System in the Common Actions panel.
The Tune System wizard appears.
3. Select the system you want to tune from the System list.
4. Select the Tune CPGs radio button.
5. Enter a value for the Volume Allocation Imbalance Threshold percentage.
Tune CPGs 367