Operating System Software Owner's manual

The manufacturer of the controller node.Manufacturer
The controller node serial number.Serial Number*
The part number of the controller node.Part Number*
The assembly's serial number.Assembly Serial Number
The assembly's part number.Assembly Part Number
The spare part number, if applicable.Spare Part Number*
The assembly revision, if applicable.Assembly Revision*
The model name, if applicable.Model Name*
The position of the controller node in the node chassis.Position
*Not displayed when viewing information for an individual system.
Viewing the Node Subsystems CPUs Tab
The Node Subsystems CPUs tab displays information about the system's controller node CPUs.
To access the Node Subsystems CPUs tab, click the CPUs tab after “Viewing the Node Subsystems
Tab” (page 374).
The Node Subsystems CPUs tab displays the following information:
The name of the system.System*
The CPU name.Name
The manufacturer of the CPU.Manufacturer
The assembly's serial number.Assembly Serial Number
The assembly's part number.Assembly Part Number
The family, as noted by the manufacturer, to which the CPU belongs.Family*
The number of design changes, as noted by the manufacturer, to which the CPU has
advanced from its original design.
The speed (in MHz) of the CPU.Speed*
The position (0 or 1) of the controller node in the node chassis.Node Position*
The position of the CPU (0, 1, 2, or 3) in the controller node.Position
Viewing the Node Subsystems CPUs Tab 375