Operating System Software Owner's manual

Viewing the Cage Subsystems SFPs Tab
The Cage Subsystems SFPs tab displays information about the system's SFPs.
To access the Cage Subsystems SFPs tab, click the SFPs tab after accessing the Cage Subsystem
The Cage Subsystems SFPs tab displays the following information:
The name of the system.System*
The drive cage in which the SFP resides.Cage Name
The SFP name in Card:SFP format.Name
The manufacturer of the SFP.Manufacturer
The SFP serial number.Assembly Serial Number
The part number of the SFP.Assembly Part Number
The SFP's maximum speed, in Gbps.Max Rate
The name of the port on which the SFP resides.Port Name
The position of the drive cage in the drive chassis.Cage Position
*Not displayed when viewing information for an individual system.
Viewing the Cage Subsystems Magazines Tab
The Cage Subsystems Magazines tab displays information about the system's drive magazines.
To access the Cage Subsystems Magazines tab, click the Magazines tab after accessing the Cage
Subsystem tab.
384 Viewing the Cage Subsystems Tab