Operating System Software Owner's manual

It provides the following information:
The name of the domain set.Name
The number of domains belonging to the domain set.Domains
The number of hosts connected to the domain set.Hosts
The size (in GiB) of the domain set.Total Exported Size
Any user entered notes when the domain set was created.Comments
Detail Pane
The detail pane of the Domain Sets screen displays detailed information about a selected domain
set from the list pane. It contains a Summary tab and a Domains tab.
“Summary Tab (page 67)
“Domains Tab (page 67)
Summary Tab
The Domain Sets Summary tab screen provides the following information:
The name of the domain set.NameGeneral
The number of domains in the domain set.Domains
The number of hosts in the domain set.Hosts
Any user-created comments.Comments
The average number of VLUNs per host.Average per HostActive VLUNs
The name of each host.Host
The number of active VLUNs for each host.Active VLUNs
The total exported size of all active VLUNs (in GiB).Total Exported SizeCapacity Exported
The average virtual size of all active VLUNs (in GiB).Average Virtual Size
The name of each host.Host
The total exported size (in GiB) of each host.Total Exported Size
Domains Tab
The Domains tab can be filtered by Summary and Raw Capacity.
“Viewing Summary Information (page 68)
Viewing Domain Sets 67