Operating System Software Owner's manual

“Viewing Raw Capacity Information (page 68)
Viewing Summary Information
The Summary filter provides the following information:
The name of each domain within the domain set.Domain
The number of CPGs in the domain.CPGs
The number of virtual volumes in the domain.Virtual Volumes
The number of virtual volume sets in the domain.Virtual Volume Sets
The number of hosts in the domain.Hosts
The number of host sets in the domain.Host Sets
The number of active VLUNs in the domain.Active VLUNs
The volume size (in GiB) per Domain.Total Size
Any user-created comments.Comments
Viewing Raw Capacity Information
The Raw Capacity filter provides the following information:
The name of each domain within the domain set.Domain
The system on which the domain resides. (Only displayed when the Storage Systems
node in the Management Tree is selected.)
The non-CPG size (in GiB) allocated for users.Non-CPG User Size
The non-CPG size (in GiB) allocated for copies.Non-CPG Copy Size
The non-CPG size (in GiB) allocated for admin use.Non-CPG Admin Size
The size (in GiB) of user CPGs.CPG User Size
68 Managing Domains with Security & Domains Manager