Operating System Software Owner's manual

8. For SASL binding:
a. Select an SASL Mechanism: PLAIN, DIGEST MD5, or GSSAPI.
b. Enter the Accounts DN (the Distinguished Name for accounts).
c. Enter the host LDAP Server Name.
d. Enter the Kerberos Realm where the encryption data is stored.
e. If different from the LDAP Server address, enter the Kerberos Server IP address.
f. Enter the Group Object Class attribute. The Active Directory default is group.
g. Enter the Account Object Class attribute. The Active Directory default is user.
h. Enter the Account Name Attribute containing the username of the user. The Active Directory
default is sAMAccountName.
i. Enter the Member Of Attribute containing the name of the group of which the user is a
member. The Active Directory default is memberOf.
9. Click Next to go to the Authorization page, or click Finish to complete the wizard now and
add authorizations later.
Configuring LDAP 73