Operating System Software User Manual

3PAR InForm Management Console 4.1.0 User’s Guide
320-200231 Rev A 391
Restore Remote Copy Groups
If you recovered your Remote Copy groups, you must restore the groups in order to restore
the original Remote Copy relationship between your source and backup server(s).
To restore Remote Copy groups:
1. Navigate
to the Remote Copy Groups screen.
2. In the right pane, select the recovered Remote Copy group(s).
3. Right-click and select Restore Remote Copy Group(s).
The Remote Copy Restore dialog box appears.
4. (Optional) Click Advanced to display additional restore options.
a. If you do not want to sync the groups after role reversal has occurred, select Do
not sync group after role reversal is completed.
b. If you do not want to continue taking snapshots, select Do not take snapshots.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Yes when prompted for confirmation.
In the right pane of the Remote Copy Groups screen:
Primary is displayed under the Source Role column and Secondary is displayed under
the Backup Role column indicating that the Remote Copy groups have been restored to
their original roles.
The DR state column displays Normal.
A green arrow is displayed under the Replication column indicating the original direction
of data replication.
See also:
Viewing Remote Copy Groups
Selecting Multiple Items