Reference Guide

3PAR InServ E-Class/F-Class Storage Server Physical Planning Manual
4.3 Establishing the Proper Foundation
As with any electronic equipment that generates heat, the 3PAR InServ Storage Servers must
be housed in a cool environment. Common techniques for maintaining an optimal operating
environment generally incorporate the use of raised flooring and alternating hot and cold
aisle layouts.
4.3.1 Benefits of Raised Floors
While not required, InServ Storage Servers can be installed on raised floors with under the
floor air cooling. Raised floors will allow cables to be located safely beneath the floor. If the
facility does not have raised floors and under the floor air cooling, temperature and airflow
must be in compliance with the recommended specifications.
The raised floor system should consist of removable panels or panels on a stringer grid system,
supported by adjustable steel pedestal assemblies. The raised floor can be constructed of steel,
aluminum, or fire-retardant wood. The purpose of the raised floor system is to:
Permit space between floors to supply cooled air to the equipment.
Support the total weight of the system and service area loading.
Protect interconnecting cables and power receptacles.
Allow for future layout changes with minimum cost.
Provide safety for personnel.