Service Processors

Audit Log Tab
3PAR Secure Service Policy Manager User’s Guide
All policy changes.
All action activities, including creation, modification, and deletion.
All agent registrations.
The audit log is generated in a table, which is described as follows:
Column Name Description
Group Name The name of the group affected by this activity.
User Name The name of the applications user initiating the command on the
Custodian (for Custodian messages), or name of the Policy Manager
user (for Policy Manager activities)
Date Message
The date and time when the Custodian sent the message to Policy
Manager (for agent messages) or when Policy Manager generated
the audit activity (for Policy Manager activities).
Message A detailed description of the Enterprise command being executed,
or a detailed description of activity on Policy Manager. Bold text
identifies the actual information from the agent for the action or
activity, or the actual activity performed in Policy Manager. All non-
bold text is used to help label the message’s content.