Service Processors

Working in the Policy Tab
3PAR Secure Service Policy Manager User’s Guide
7.2 Working in the Policy Tab
When a device first registers with 3PAR Secure Service Policy Manager, it provides the Policy
Manager with a complete list of its supported actions, as can be seen by navigating the Policy
tab (Figure 7-2). Each action requires a permission. A permission is a set of parameters and an
associated access right. Some actions have parameters and some do not. Each action defined in
a device's policy may have multiple, related permissions.
Policy Manager is installed with support for all known actions contained in the released
version of the 3PAR Secure Service Architecture software (see 7.2.1 Base Installation Actions on
page 7.4). By default, all actions included in the installed Policy Manager are defined with an
access right of Ask for Approval. Until the access right is changed in the Policy Manager
interface, each device under management will ask for approval to perform any action defined
in the policy. The Policy Manager supports any new actions, such as custom actions that may be
customer-specific or device-specific, and automatically applies an access right of Ask for
For example:
The Restart Agent action controls whether or not the device will perform a requested
hard restart; there are no specific parameters for this action.
The Package action controls whether or not a device can accept a Software Management
package from the Secure Service Collector Server. The Collector Server package actions
support the name of the package and version of the package. Each parameter can use
explicit values or wild cards. For example, the name of the package can be Package1 or *
or *1, where the latter two parameters specify any package name and any package with a
name ending in 1, respectively.