Service Processors

Working in the Configuration Tab
3PAR Secure Service Policy Manager User’s Guide
Subject - Subject line for the Email message.
Body - Body or actual content for the Email message.
Within the subject line or body of the notification, you can include one or more supported
substitution parameters. When Policy Manager sends the Email message, it replaces the
substitution parameters with the actual information for those parameters.
Policy Manager supports the following substitution parameters in the subject line or
message body of Email notifications:
<$A_MN> - Agent model number.
<$A_SN> - Agent serial number.
<$A_GN> - Agent associated group name.
<$A_GD> - Agent associated group description.
<$SMSG> - SOAP message.
<$USRN> - User name.
<$ACTN> - Action name.
<$ACTD> - Action description.
<$PR_N> - Permission name.
<$PR_D> - Permission description.
<$PRDT> - Permission details (parameter names and values).
<$TMST> - Timestamp when action was forwarded from Agent.
For example, the following message configured using the indicated substitution
is sent to the defined Email recipient with actual information, such as:
You need to either grant or deny permission for device, <$A_SN>, to perform
a <$ACTN> action (<$ACTD>). This action was initiated by <$USRN> on <$TMST>.
You need to either grant or deny permission for device, DeviceXYZ, to
perform a Package action (controls whether or not DRM can deploy a package
to a Secure Service Proxy Agent). This action was initiated by ServiceTech1
on March 6, 2008 4:38:30 PM GMT.