Service Processors

Working in the Configuration Tab
3PAR Secure Service Policy Manager User’s Guide
7.3.5 Finding and Removing Missing Devices
If a device is not online or connected to Policy Manager, Policy Manager may be enforcing an
out-dated policy. This could mean the device is permitting actions that should be denied or
denying actions that it should be performing.
To locate and remove offline devices, perform the following:
1 On Configure tab, click Search > Missing Devices.
Figure 7-14. Searching for Missing Devices
The View and remove missing devices page appears. Any devices shown on this page
have missed their last contact (ping) with Policy Manager and are considered offline.
Figure 7-15. Viewing Missing Devices
2 Select the check box next to the missing device(s) you wish to remove.
3 Click Remove Selected Missing Devices.
4 Click OK when prompted for confirmation to delete the selected device(s).