Service Processors Manual

3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide
2.4.2 The SPMAINT Interface
The SPMAINT terminal user interface is the primary user interface for the support of both the
InServ Storage Server and its Service Processor (SP).
The following information appears at the top of each SPMAINT menu:
SP serial number - The serial number uses the format SPXXXXX, where XXXXX is a 5-digit
Menu name - Menu names are not necessarily unique. Menus that are accessible from the
same menu often share the same name as the menu itself.
Vector key code - A vector key code identifies each menu, submenu, and many of the
screens available through SPMAINT. Use these codes to navigate quickly to a specific menu
or function.
Transfer media - The Transfer Media field indicates the current method for outbound
communications (for example, Ethernet).
Transfer status - The Transfer Status field indicates the status for the most recent data
transfer transaction.
2.4.3 Accessing the Interactive CLI
SPMAINT offers the interactive Command Line Interface (CLI) option, which enables you to
issue InForm CLI commands on a selected storage server, or execute commands directly on the
controller nodes.
To access the interactive CLI, enter 1.7 in the SPMAINT menu.
The CPMAINT utility provides a range of administrative Secure Service Agent (SSA) functions
not available on the SPMAINT interface.
CPMAINT allows you to:
Change transport mode (Secure Network mode/SP mode).
Display the SSA configuration.
Test the connection to the 3PAR Policy Manager.
Test the onnection to the 3PAR Collector Server.