
Table 10 testFailoverStop Troubleshooting Checklist (continued)
Troubleshooting TipsExample of Key Log MessageProblem DescriptionProblem Area
This error indicates that
storage array returns
[2010-05-27 10:58:47.031 'TPDSrm.
testFailoverStart.Run' 3PAR_1032 error
Missing expected
output content from
Get host
mapping list. empty output for the(id=5432)] Error. Unable to get detail InServ
host information. Additional information: {xxxx} command issued. This
might be caused by
intermittent network
This error indicates that
the requested group for
[2010-05-27 16:33:37.734 'TPDSrm.
testFailoverStart.Run' 3PAR_1022 error
Invalid Remote Copy
Check Remote
Copy group
status. checking is not available(id=1580)] Error. The specified group
in the storage array.<MmmtGroup1.r26> does not exist in the
storage array. Contact your storage
administrator and validate
the finding.
This error indicates that
the volumes participated
[2010-05-27 16:48:24.953 'TPDSrm.
testFailoverStart.Run' 3PAR_1021 error
Invalid volume state.
in the Remote Copy(id=860)] Error. The secondary volumes are not
in Synced state. groups are not in sync. If
the Remote Copy group is
started and the Remote
Copy link is healthy, HP
3PAR SRA requires all
volumes to be in synced
state for test failover
This error indicates that
the specified initiator
[2010-05-27 17:07:22.593
Invalid initiator found.Validate initiator
given by SRM is not a3PAR_2008 warning (id=1348)] Warning.
valid host entry in the
storage server.
Unable to identify <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>
to be a registered host in HP 3PAR Storage
testFailoverStop 33