
Table 12 prepareFailover Troubleshooting Checklist (continued)
Troubleshooting TipsExample of Key Log MessageProblem DescriptionProblem Area
administrator and validate
the finding.
This error indicates that
the volumes participated
[2010-05-27 16:48:24.953 'TPDSrm.
testFailoverStart.Run' 3PAR_1021 error (id=860)]
Invalid volume state.
in the Remote CopyError. The secondary volumes are not in Synced
state. groups are not in sync. If
the Remote Copy group is
started and the Remote
Copy link is healthy, HP
3PAR SRA requires all
volumes to be in synced
state for test failover
This warning indicates
that the Remote Copy link
[2010-05-27 17:44:41.375
'TPDSrm.checkFailover.Run' 3PAR_2003 warning
Remote Copy group
is not started.
is up, but the Remote(id=5636)] Warning. Remote Copy Group
<srmgrp.r256> might not be in sync. Copy group is not started.
If the user chooses to
perform failover despite
the warning message, the
data in the target site will
not be consistent with the
data on the source site.
This error message
indicates that HP 3PAR
[2010-05-28 14:48:13.500
'TPDSrm.prepareFailover.Run' 3PAR_1038 error
Remote Copy group
cannot be stopped.
Stop Remote
Copy group
SRA encountered a 12(id=1992)] Error. Wait for promote completion
hour timeout while waitinghas timed out on Remote Copy Group
<srm_cancun>. for the Remote Copy
group to stop completely.
This is occurs when the
volume promotion
operation takes longer
than expected for the
Remote Copy group. This
operation will be
performed if Remote Copy
group has a Primary role.
prepareFailover 39