
Table 16 prepareRestoreReplication Troubleshooting Checklist (continued)
Troubleshooting TipsExample of Key Log MessageProblem DescriptionProblem Area
This error indicates that
storage array returns empty
[2010-05-27 10:58:47.031 'TPDSrm.
checkTestFailoverStart.Run' 3PAR_1018 error
Missing expected
output content from
Get Virtual
information on output for the command(id=5432)] Error. Unable to get detail virtual
the HP 3PAR
Storage System
issued. This can be caused
by intermittent network
volume information. Additional information:
This error indicates that the
requested group for
[2010-05-27 16:33:37.734 'TPDSrm.
testFailoverStart.Run' 3PAR_1022 error
Invalid Remote Copy
Check Remote
Copy group
status. checking is not available in(id=1580)] Error. The specified group
the storage array. Contact<MmmtGroup1.r26> does not exist in the
storage array. your storage administrator
and validate the finding.
This error indicates that the
Remote Copy group is not
[2010-05-27 17:44:41.375
Remote Copy group is
not started.
started. This can be an3PAR_1076 error (id=5636)] . Error. Data on
indication that somethingtarget site might be corrupted for Remote Copy
has gone wrong and itGroup <MmmtGroup1.r256>. Unable to
continue the restore operation. requires administrator to
validate the data integrity
and setup.
This error indicates that
Remote Copy link is down
[2010-05-28 16:44:10.875
Remote Copy link is
not up.
Check Remote
Copy link status.
between the local storage
array and the peer array.
3PAR_1063 error (id=1324)] Error. All
available Remote Copy links are down for
54 Workflows and Corresponding Log Messages