User guide

SN0054669-00 A 1-1
1 System Requirements
The QConvergeConsole is a Web-based client/server application that allows for
centralized management and configuration of QLogic adapters within the entire
network (LAN and SAN).
On the server side, the QConvergeConsole runs as an Apache Tomcat™
application server. After the application is launched on the application server, you
can connect to the QConvergeConsole through a browser, either locally on the
server or remotely from another computer. Your browser window becomes the
client used to connect to servers that host the QLogic adapters and connected
storage devices within the network.
For optimum performance, the QConvergeConsole requires the hardware,
software, and operating systems listed in this section:
“Hardware Requirements” on page 1-1
“Software Requirements” on page 1-2
“Operating System Requirements” on page 1-3
“Supported QLogic Adapters” on page 1-4
Hardware Requirements
The minimum hardware requirements for the Apache Tomcat application server
are as follows:
Application server. Single-processor or multiprocessor server or
workstation on which to install the Apache Tomcat application server. See
“Operating System Requirements” on page 1-3 for a list of operating
systems on which the Web browsers can be run.
Intel® Core™ Duo with 1GHz or greater
Memory. 512MB of physical RAM to run the QConvergeConsole; 1GB
recommended. Running with less memory can cause disk swapping, which
severely affects performance.
Video card. Capable of 16K colors and a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
Hard disk space. About 150MB disk space.