- Hewlett-Packard Network Router User Manual

octets_tx_per_sec contains the number of octets that this circuit has
transmitted in the last second.
peak_frames_rx contains the peak number of frames that this circuit
has received in any given second since reboot.
peak_frames_tx contains the peak number of frames that this circuit
has transmitted in any given second since reboot.
peak_octets_rx contains the peak number of octets that this circuit
has received in any given second since reboot.
peak_octets_tx contains the peak number of octets that this circuit
has transmitted in any given second since reboot.
ring_auto_rem contains the number of times the token-ring adapter
detected an internal hardware error, either within the chip set itself, or
within the physical-star wiring (lobe) between the adapter and the wire
concentrator. The token-ring adapter is removed from the ring after
detecting the error.
ring_cnt_overflow contains the number of times the token-ring
adapter error counter incremented from 254 to 255.
ring_hard_err contains the number of times the token-ring adapter
transmitted or received beacon frames to or from the ring. The beacon
processor is used to recover the ring after a ringstation has sensed a
hard error, which renders the ring inoperable. Hard errors are caused
by (1) wire faults, (2) frequency errors, or (3) incoming signal loss. The
station that detects such a hard error transmits, or “beacons”, informa-
tion that isolates the failure location.
ring_lobe_wire contains the number of times the token-ring adapter
detected a short or open circuit between the adapter and the wire
ring_one_station contains the number of times the token-ring
adapter sensed that it was the only station on the ring.
ring_recover contains the number of times the token-ring adapter
observed claim token frames on the ring. A ring station transmits a
Information Base
Management Information Base Variables
cct: Circuits Information Base