
Command syntax
A typical VSM CLI command string consists of three variables: a target device, a command, and
one or more clarifying parameters. The syntax of a VSM CLI command line is as follows:
<TARGET> command [parameter=OPTION_A|OPTION_B] [parameter]
The following conventions apply to all VSM CLI command strings:
A basic command string includes identifying information about the target, along with a
command word and clarifying parameters, if required or desired.
Commands are not case sensitive.
Some target names can be abbreviated.
The VSM CLI does not support line-continuation characters. If all characters of a command
cannot fit on one line of the VSM CLI, the command wraps to the next line on the screen. The
maximum command length is 255 characters.
Example command
The following example shows the use of target, command, and parameter variables in a VSM CLI
command string to update network settings on a switch:
switch location=local network hostname=XXX dhcp=off
[ipaddr=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] [subnetmask=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]
Target: switch location=local
Command: network
Required parameter: hostname=XXX
Required parameter: dhcp=<OFF|ON>
Optional parameter: ipaddr=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Optional parameter: subnetmask=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Optional parameter: gateway=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Target overview
The target variable provides the path to the device you want to configure. The device can be a
c-Class BladeSystem enclosure, an enclosure device bay, an enclosure interconnect bay, an external
storage enclosure, or a zone group.
Syntax for the target portion of a command is as follows:
Supported parametersTarget syntaxDevice
c-Class BladeSystem enclosure
serial number
<all|#>bladeport idDevice bay in a BladeSystem enclosure
<all|#|local|remote|wwid>switch locationSwitch in a BladeSystem enclosure
<wwid>switch enclosureid
<all|#>port idSwitch port
Command syntax 55