Owner manual

HP 8/20q Fibre Channel Switch QuickTools Switch Management User Guide 51
Managing user accounts
Only the Admin account can manage user accounts with the User Account Administration dialog boxes.
However, any user can modify their own password. To open a User Account Administration dialog box,
open the Switch menu and select User Accounts. A user account consists of the following data:
Account name or login
Authority level
Expiration date
Switches come from the factory with the following user accounts:
admin—Admin authority, never expires, password is password
images—No Admin authority, never expires, password is images
The Admin account is the only user that can manage all user accounts. The Admin account can create,
remove, or modify user accounts, and change account passwords. The Admin account can also view and
modify the switch and its configuration with QuickTools. The Admin account can not be removed. Users
with Admin authority can use QuickTools to view and modify the switch and its configuration. Users without
Admin authority are limited to viewing only switch status and configuration. The Images account is used to
exchange files with the switch using FTP. The Images account can not be removed.
NOTE: If the same user account exists on a switch and its RADIUS server, that user can log in with either
password, but the authority and account expiration always comes from the switch database.
Implicit Hard Zoning Introduces hardware enforcement of zoning regardless of type. All
zones and all supported zone member types have hardware
Security Auto Save Enable to automatically save security settings to permanent memory
on the switch.
Security Fabric Binding Enabled If Enabled, the expected domain ID of a switch is required before the
switch can be attached to the fabric.
Advanced Group
R_A_TOV Resource allocation timeout value (in milliseconds)
E_D_TOV Error detect timeout value (in milliseconds)
Number of Donor Groups Total number of donor port groups. A donor group is a set of ports on
a switch that can donate buffer credits to one another.
Inactivity Timeout Number of minutes the switch waits before terminating an idle
command line interface session. Zero (0) disables the time out
Interop Mode Standard
Legacy Address Format None
In-band Enabled In-band management status. Permits (True) or prevents (False) a switch
from being managed over an ISL.
Principal Switch If there is a domain ID conflict in the fabric, the switch with the highest
principal priority, or the principal switch, reassigns any domain ID
conflicts and establish the fabric.
Table 8 Switch data window fields (Continued)
Field Description