User Manual

8/20q Fibre Channel Switch QuickTools switch management user guide 33
The Devices data window fields are described in Table 6.
Displaying detailed device information
To display detailed information for a device listed in the Devices data window, click (i) in the Details
column for that device to open the Detailed Devices Display window (Figure 14).
Figure 14 Detailed Devices Display dialog box
Managing device port nicknames
You can assign a nickname to a device port World Wide Name. A nickname is a user-definable,
meaningful name that can be used in place of the World Wide Name. Assigning a nickname makes it
easier to recognize device ports when zoning your fabric or when viewing the Devices data window.
Table 6 Devices data window fields
Field Description
Port WWN Port World Wide Name
Nickname Device port nickname. To create a new nickname or edit an
existing nickname, double-click the cell and enter a
nickname in the Edit Nickname dialog box. See ”Managing
device port nicknames on page 33 for more information.
Details Click (i) to display additional information about the device.
See ”Displaying detailed device information” on page 33.
FC Address Fibre Channel address
Switch Switch name
Port Switch port number
Target/Initiator Device type: Target, Initiator, or Both
Vendor Host Bus Adapter/Device Vendor
Active Zones The active zone to which the device belongs
Row # Row number reference for each listing in the Devices data
window table