User Manual

8/20q Fibre Channel Switch QuickTools switch management user guide 47
Adding a member to an alias
You can add a port/device to an alias by domain ID and port number, device port Fibre Channel address,
or the device port WWN. To add ports/devices to an alias:
1. Select Zoning > Edit Zoning to open the Edit Zoning dialog box.
2. Choose one of the following options to add the port/device:
Select a port/device in the Port/Device tree, and drag it into the alias. To select multiple
ports/devices, press and hold the Control key while selecting.
Select a port/device in the Port/Device tree. Click an alias to select multiple ports/devices, press
and hold the Control key while selecting. Select an alias. Open the Edit menu and then select Add
Select a port/device in the Port/Device tree. To select multiple ports/devices, press and hold the
Control key while selecting. Select an alias, and then click Insert.
3. If the port/device you want to add is not in the Port/Device tree, you can add it by doing the following:
Right-click the selected alias.
•Select Edit > Create Members.
Select the WWN, Domain/Port, or First Port Address option.
Enter the hexadecimal value for the port/device according to the option selected: 16 digits for a
WWN member, 4 digits for a Domain/ Port member (DDPP), or a 6-digit Fibre Channel Address
for a First Port Address member (DDPPAA), where DD=domain ID, PP=port number, and
4. Click OK to add the member and save the change.
Removing an alias from all zones
To remove an alias from all zones:
1. In the Zonesets tree in the Edit Zoning dialog box, select the alias to be removed.
2. Select Edit >Delete Alias.
3. Click Yes in the Remove dialog box.
4. Click Apply in the Edit Zoning dialog box to save the change.
5. Click Close to close the Edit Zoning dialog box.
Merging fabrics and zoning
If you join two fabrics with an inter-switch link, the active zonesets from the two fabrics attempt to merge
automatically. The fabrics may consist of a single switch or many switches already connected together. The
switches in the two fabrics attempt to create a new active zoneset containing the union of each fabric's
active zoneset. The propagation of zoning information affects only the active zoneset, not the configured
zonesets, unless Merge Auto Save is turned on.
Zone merge failure
If a zone merge is unsuccessful, the inter-switch links between the fabrics will be isolated due to the zone
merge failure, which will generate an alarm. The reason for the E_Port isolation can also be determined by
viewing the port information. See Table 18 for more information.
A zone merge will fail if the two active zonesets have member zones with identical names but differ in
membership or type. For example, consider Fabric A and Fabric B each with a zone named ZN1 in its
active zoneset. Fabric A ZN1 contains a member specified by Domain ID 1 and Port 1; Fabric B ZN1
contains a member specified by Domain ID 1 and Port 2. In this case, the merge will fail because the two
zones have the same name, but different membership.
A zone merge may also fail if the merged zones/members exceed the maximum zoning limits. See
Viewing zoning limits and properties” on page 37 for more information on zoning limits.