- Hewlett-Packard Surge Protector User Manual

Get status of Cell Manager processesAutomatic Action
2001-6-13 7:46:40 -STOP
HP Data Protector services successfully stopped.
2001-6-13 7:46:47 -START
HP Data Protector services successfully started.
Provides security information. Messages document requests to the inet process from
non-authorized systems. The data/time format depends on the value of the language
environment variable.
06/14/01 09:42:30 INET.12236.0 ["inet/allow_deny.c /main/7":524] A.04.00 b364
A request 0 came from host Jowet.mycom.com which is not a cell manager of this client
Thu Jun 14 09:42:30 2001 [root.root@jowet.mycom.com] : .util
06/14/01 09:43:24 INET.12552.0 ["inet/allow_deny.c /main/7":524] A.04.00 b364
A request 1 came from host jowet.mycom.com which is not a cell manager of this client
Thu Jun 14 09:22:46 2001 [root.sys@jowet.mycom.com] : .util
6/14/01 10:17:53 AM CRS.411.413 ["cs/mcrs/daemon.c /main/145":1380] A.04.00 b364
User LARS.R&D@cruise2000.mycom.com that tried to connect to CRS not found in user list
UNIX inet.log
6/14/01 10:20:53 INET.12236. 0["inet/allow_deny.c /main/7":524] A.04.00 b364
Illegal command xxx
Windows inet.log
6/14/01 10:20:53 INET.12236. 0["inet/allow_deny.c /main/7":524] A.04.00 b364~
Unrecoverable error occurred (=core dump), exception code was: 0x%08x
6/14/01 10:20:53 INET.12236. 0["inet/allow_deny.c /main/7":524] A.04.00 b364
OmniInet service was teminated.
Data Protector database log file
There is a purge.log log file on Cell Manager systems only. These systems contain
a catalog and media management database.
Integration guide for HP Operations Manager for Windows 71