Tips for Locating NonStop Manuals on the HPSC

3. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to display the search results:
When you want to reset the scope
The HPSC has persistence features associated with collections. For example, if you are searching
in the J-series collection, the HPSC assumes that you will want to continue searching in only the
J-series collection. To switch to a different collection, you can edit the text in the upper field. In the
previous example, you can simply change the H to a J to search the HP Integrity NonStop J-Series
collection. Or you can copy one of these collection names below and paste it into the upper field.
HP Integrity NonStop H-Series
HP Integrity NonStop J-Series
HP Integrity NonStop Release and Migration
HP Integrity NonStop Server Safety and Compliance
HP Integrity NonStop Service Information
HP Integrity NonStop Service Procedures
HP Integrity NonStop Softdocs
HP Integrity NonStop Troubleshooting Tips
HP NonStop G-Series
Or you can close and reopen your browser and then select a collection as described in Access
NonStop documentation in one click” (page 5).
Searching all NonStop content
You can search all NonStop content using a keyword, and you can limit the search to manuals
using Advanced search settings.
To perform a keyword search that is not limited to a specific collection:
1. Go to any page on the HPSC:
2. Locate the search field at the top of the screen: