HP training white paper Remote Graphics Software (RGS) versions 6.0.1 and 6.0.2 - Training white paper

Training white paper | RGS v 6.0.1 and 6.0.2 new features
This whitepaper introduces and explains the changes in Remote Graphics Software (RGS) versions
6.0.1 and 6.02. Before reading this whitepaper, you should have a basic understanding of existing
HP RGS functionality and features. This document covers only the changes added with versions
6.0.1 and 6.0.2.
This whitepaper is intended for:
Service engineers
Support engineers
Field service engineers
Solution architects
Sales professionals
After completing this whitepaper, you should be able to describe the changes implemented
for RGS versions 6.0.1 and 6.0.2.
Additional RGS training
Fundamental knowledge of RGS can be gained by completing these recommended courses:
Supporting HP Remote Graphics Software WBT (01713984)
HP Remote Graphics Software (RGS) v6.0 Technical Overview (01703516)