HP B-series Network Advisor Enterprise, Professional Plus, and Professional 12.1.5 Release Notes

In Real Time performance graphs, percentage utilization fluctuates between 0 to 100 if a
single port is selected. The workaround is to select more than one port while generating Real
Time performance graphs.
By default, Network Advisor uses SNMPv3 to discover SAN products. If required, users can
select the ‘Manual’ option in Discovery dialog and choose SNMPv1 for discovery.
A delay of 5 to 7 minutes is observed when Web Tools is launched on a system (through
Network Advisor or directly in a web browser) where internet access is not available and the
network does not return a destination unreachable message. This issue occurs as Java
tries to validate the SSL certificates with external CAs. To avoid this issue occuring on such
systems, modify the following Java properties:
On Windows: C:\Users\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\
On Linux: home/< logged in user
In the deployment.properties file, edit the below parameters and set them to false.
deployment.security.validation.ocsp = false
deployment.security.validation.crl = false
If these parameters are not present, add them and save the file. Then re-launch Web tools.
Display of Logical switches
If you create logical switches through the Logical Switch dialog box, the logical switch displays
under undiscovered Logical Switch in the existing Logical Switches Panel. You must rediscover the
newly created logical switch fabric, by going to the discovery dialog, and adding the IP address
of the chassis using the add dialog.
Destination columns are blank for HP Encryption SAN Switch in top talkers dialog
When the Top Talkers dialog box is launched for the HP Encryption SAN Switch, the columns
Destination, Destination port, and Destination switch port are sometimes empty.
SSL connections using certificates with MD5 signature
To avoid potential security vulnerabilities, Network Advisor versions 12.0 and later do not support
SSL connections using certificates with MD5 signatures. If Network Advisor is configured to use
HTTPS instead of HTTP when communicating with SAN switches, and the SAN switch has a
certificate installed that is signed with an MD5 algorithm, discovery of the switch fails with the
following pop-up message: Authentication failure during discovery operation:
The recommended solution is to replace the certificate on the network device with a certificate
using the more secure SHA signature. If that is not practical, the Network Advisor server
configuration can be changed to accept MD5 signatures. Note that accepting MD5 signatures
might result in warnings from network security scanning tools.
To accept MD5 signatures, edit the following text file:
On 32-bit Windows or Linux: <install-dir>/jre/lib/security/java.security
On 64-bit Windows or Linux: <install-dir>/jre64/lib/security/java.security
Remove "MD5" from the following line near the end of the file:
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=MD5, DES, 3DES, RC2
The modified line should appear as:
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=DES, 3DES, RC2
The change takes effect the next time the Network Advisor server is restarted.