- Hewlett-Packard Personal Computer User Manual

diskless workstations. See also
boot ROM.
boot console handler The
interactive firmware that enables
you to interact with the hardware
of your workstation before the
workstation boots the operating
system. The boot console interface
allows you to perform special
tasks, display information, and set
certain system parameters.
boot ROM A read-only memory
that is incorporated into a
workstation for the purpose of
loading and starting the operating
system, and modifying the
configuration or changing the
booting behavior.
bootstrap service See boot.
byte A fundamental
character-code unit, usually
consisting of 8 bits.
CD-RAM Compact Disk
Random-Access Memory. See
also CD-RAM disk, CD-RAM drive.
CD-RAM disk CD-RAM disks are
identical to the audio compact
disks (CDs) used to record stereo
music, except computer data is
read from and written to these
disks. CD-RAM disks are 120 mm
(4.7 inches) in diameter, use one
data surface, and have a capacity
of about 650 MB. The data surface
contains pits and flat spots
arranged in a continuous spiral
track, which is read at a constant
linear speed.
CD-RAM drive A random-access,
read/write, mass-storage device
that uses removable CD-RAM
disks. The drive contains a
semiconductor laser for reading
and writing data optically and an
embedded controller.
CD-ROM Compact Disk
Read-Only Memory. See also
CD-ROM disk, CD-ROM drive.
CD-ROM disk CD-ROM disks are
identical to the audio compact
disks (CDs) used to record stereo
music, except that they store
computer data. CD-ROM disks are
120 mm (4.7 inches) in diameter,
use one data surface, and have a
capacity of about 650 MB.The data
surface contains pits and flat spots
arranged in a continuous spiral
track, which is read at a constant
linear speed.
CD-ROM drive A random-access,