- Hewlett-Packard Personal Computer User Manual

74 Chapter3
Selftest Failures
WRN 80F8 EXT IO invalid boot dev Invalid boot device class; bad IODC?
WRN 80FC EXT IO invalid boot dev Unexpected error; bad IODC?
INI 8800 IOCARD PCI BusWlk start Starting PCI bus and device discovery.
INI 88
1 IOCARD PCI Rope r walk Starting PCI bus and device discovery on
Rope r.
INI 8802 IOCARD PCI BusWalk done PCI bus and device discovery complete.
INI 8803 SYS BD PCI alloc done Done allocating address space for PCI
INI 8804 SYS BD PCI config done Done configuring PCI devices.
not found Rope-to-PCI bridge r not found.
FLT 883
IO BD Rope
PCI configuration failed below
Rope-to-PCI bridge r.
FLT 884r EXT IO Rope r tgl fail Rope r debug register toggle failed.
INI 8850 SYS_BD early rope0 init Initializing rope 0 for early RS-232
FLT 8850 SYS_BD rope0 init fail Couldn’t initialize rope 0.
INI 8860 SYS_BD rope0 init done Rope 0 initialization complete.
INI 8870 IO_BD early R2PCI init Initializing rope-to-PCI bridge 0 for early
RS-232 output.
FLT 8870 IO_BD R2PCI init fail Couldn’t initialize rope-to-PCI bridge 0.
INI 8880 IO_BD R2PCI init done Rope-to-PCI bridge 0 initialization.
INI 8890 IO_BD early Super init Iniitalizing Super-I/O for early RS-232
FLT 8890 IO_BD Super init fail Couldn’t initialize Super-I/O.
INI 88A0 IO_BD Super init done Super-I/O initialization complete.
WRN 8A03 EXT IO No graph console Cannot re-establish communications with
the graphics console.
WRN 8A04 EXT IO No USB keyboard Cannot re-establish communications with
the USB keyboard.
TST 8C06 EXT IO PCI BIST test Running PCI Built-In Self-Test
WRN 8C07 EXT IO PCI BIST error PCI Built-In Self-Test failed.
WRN 8C08 SYS BD PCI alloc error PCI address space allocation failed.
WRN 8C09 IO BD PCI mem mngr err Memory allocation for PCI device failed.
Table 3-2. Chassis Codes for B1000/C3000 Workstations
Ostat Code FRU Message Description