- Hewlett-Packard Printer User's Guide

Setting Up the Printer Driver
5-12 C350
A preview of the settings is displayed.
8 Angle Specify the angle at which the text is printed on the page.
Fixed Angle: Standard fixed angle provided by the printer
Settings: Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal and User
User Setting: When User Setting is selected, an arbitrary
angle can be set.
Settings: -180 to +180 degrees
(-: clockwise; 0: horizontal; +: counterclockwise)
9 Position Specify the position where the watermark is printed.
Center: The watermark is printed in the center of the page.
User Setting: The position is defined by the numeric values
entered in the Horizontal and Vertical boxes.
Setting value (Horizontal): -999 to 999 points
Setting value (Vertical): -999 to 999 points
(specified in 1-point increments; 72 points = 1 inch)
The Position setting defines the distance from the center. A
positive value in the Horizontal box is toward the right, and
a positive value in the Vertical box is upward.
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