Quick start manual

Information on copyright and trademarks
The Nero user manual and all its contents are protected by copyright and are the
property of Ahead Software. All rights reserved. This user manual contains
material that is protected by internationally valid copyright. This manual may not -
in whole or in part - be copied, transmitted or otherwise reproduced without the
express written permission of Ahead Software AG.
All trademark names and trademarks are the property of the respective owners.
Ahead Software rejects any claims that transcend the legal guarantee rights.
Ahead Software AG does not undertake any liability for the correctness of the
contents of the Nero ShowTime user manual. The contents of the software
supplied, as well as of the Nero ShowTime user manual, may be changed
without prior warning.
The trademarks mentioned here are listed only for information purposes.
Copyright © 2003 Ahead Software AG
REV 1.0