Cisco MDS 9000 Family MIB Quick Reference (OL-18087-01, February 2009)

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Cisco MDS 9000 Family MIB Quick Reference
OL-18087-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x
Understanding the ENTITY-MIB and Extensions
Understanding the ENTITY-MIB and Extensions
The ENTITY-MIB provides basic management and identification of physical and logical entities within
a network device. Cisco MDS NX-OS snd SAN-OS support for the ENTITY-MIB focuses on the
physical entities within a switch or director. This MIB provides details on each module, power supply,
and fan tray within a switch chassis. It gives enough information to correctly map the containment of
these entities within the switch, building up a chassis view.
Cisco has developed a number of private extensions to the ENTITY-MIB to provide more details for
these physical entities. Each of these MIB extensions shares the common index value, entPhysicalIndex,
which allows the management application developer to link information across multiple MIBs.
Table 21 lists the Cisco MIB extensions that are linked to the ENTITY-MIB by entPhysical Index. wwnmType1WwnShortageNotify .
wwnmType1WwnAvailableNotify .
wwnmTypeOtherWwnShortageNotify .
wwnmTypeOtherWwnAvailableNotify . czseZoneTechniqueChangeNotif . zoneServiceReqRejNotify .
zoneMergeFailureNotify .
zoneMergeSuccessNotify .
zoneDefZoneBehaviourChngNotify .
zoneUnsuppMemInIntOpModeNotify .
zoneActivateNotify .
zoneCompactNotify . entConfigChange . linkDown .
linkUp . risingAlarm .
fallingAlarm . coldStart .
warmStart .
authenticationFailure .
Table 20 Supported Notifications for Cisco SAN-OS Release 3.x (continued)
MIB Notification OID
Table 21 ENTITY-MIB Extensions
MIB Description
Provides manufacturing asset number and revision
information per physical entity in the switch.