HP OfficeJet Pro X and HP PageWide Pro Series - IT Administrators Install Guide

Creating a Small Release Image
This section describes how to remove files from the release image. The instructions are to
copy the batch file below to your system. Open a command prompt to the directory
containing the image that you would like to customize, and then run the batch file from that
directory. The batch file will ask a few questions, and then delete any files that are not
necessary. See the section CD Image File Descriptions for a description of each file, if you
would like to customize the CD image without using the batch file.
@echo off
echo Creating Enterprise Release
echo This will delete files in the current directory to create the release.
echo Press Ctrl+C now if this is not what you want to do
SET /P FAX="Include FAX? [Y|N] "
SET /P PLATFORM="32 bit, 64 bit, or Both? [32|64|Both] "
SET /P LANGUAGE="Specify Language ID or All? [{LanguageID}|All] "
rmdir /Q /S Optional
rmdir /Q /S HP
rmdir /Q /S Microsoft
rmdir /Q /S Toolbar
rmdir /Q /S Required
rmdir /Q /S licensing
del /F /Q Full_*.cab
del /F Setup.exe
del /F HP-DQEX5.exe
del /F autorun.inf
del /F ReadMe.chm
if "%FAX%"=="N" (
pushd Drivers
rmdir /Q /S Fax
del /F /Q HP*_fax.inf
del /F /Q HP*_fax*.cat
) ELSE (
REM The nullfax driver might be inside of the MSI in K3.5/K4, but we'll try to remove it anyway
del /F /Q HP*_nullfax*.inf
del /F /Q HP*_nullfax*.cat
if "%PLATFORM%"=="32" (
del /F /Q *x64.msi
del /F /Q *x64.cab
del /F /Q *x64_*.mst
if "%PLATFORM%"=="64" (
del /F /Q *x86.msi
del /F /Q *x86.cab
del /F /Q *x86_*.mst
FOR %%F in (*%LANGUAGE%*.mst) DO ren "%%F" "%%~nF._mst"
del /F /Q *.mst
FOR %%F in (*._mst) DO ren "%%F" "%%~nF.mst"
echo All Done!