Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
9. Create an installation information settings file.
To use the sample file, copy it from the DVD-ROM to a directory on the hard disk.
# cp -p /cdrom/HDLM_AIX/hdlmtool/instutil/
sample_installhdlm.conf /
You can change the sample_installhdlm.conf file name.
The following shows an example of copying the
file, and then changing the file name to
# cp -p /cdrom/HDLM_AIX/hdlmtool/instutil/
sample_installhdlm.conf /
For details about how to edit the installation information settings file, which is
used by the
installhdlm utility, see 7.12.3 Items To Be Defined in an
installation-information Settings File.
Additionally, since HDLM must be restarted after installation, change the setting
for the
restart key in the installation information settings file from n to y.
After you have performed an unattended installation, you can also manually
restart HDLM.
If you plan to manually restart HDLM, you do not need to change the setting
for the
restart key in the installation information settings file from n to y.
However, in that case, this procedure must be modified as described below:
- The host does not restart after the
KAPL09211-I message is output (step
- Before you perform step 13, execute the following command to restart the
# shutdown -Fr
10. Connect cables to all HBAs to change the configuration to a multi-path
Do not execute the
cfgmgr command.
11. Execute either of the following commands:
To execute